Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized digital currency, used to verify and secure the Bitcoin transactions from one user to another. Bitcoin mining involves addition of Bitcoin transactions into a distributed public ledger of transactions. Established in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, in July 2013 the Bitcoin price was $118 and today in August 2017, the price has increased up to $3389. Owing to the supply and demand of Bitcoin, every business or netizen wants to invest in this golden cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin is a first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that secures the transactions done by users digitally. It works on the blockchain technology and confirms the transactions in a public ledger so that there are zero chances of double spending.
Bitcoin uses Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit (SHA256) for mining. Developed by NSA, the SHA algorithms converts the data into numbers. The SHA256 is applied twice for Bitcoin Mining. To mine a Bitcoin, miners use a software to solve cryptographic problems and when they successfully solve that problem, they get Bitcoins in reward.
The biggest advantage of Bitcoin is that a user can send and receive Bitcoins across the world in just a couple of minutes.
Bitcoin has no transaction fees when a user or any individual receives Bitcoins.
Miaaexchange Services is one of the leading cryptocurrency mining service providers across the world. With an access to the leading latest technologies and big industrial data centers, Miaaexchange Services provides excellent mining services at an affordable price. Miaaexchange Services mining platform simplifies the Bitcoin Mining process and provides the newly mined coins in the easiest way.